The increasingly popular vegan lifestyle is not just a passing trend, as the associated plant-based diet has been proven to have numerous beneficial physiological effects. According to the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a properly composed, balanced, and complete plant-based diet is safe and healthy at every stage of life.
Only Positive!
As with most diets, with a plant-based diet, it's worth focusing on what you can eat when choosing this lifestyle, rather than focusing on which food groups you have to eliminate from your plate. Those following a plant-based diet often report that, when it comes to spices and ingredients, the world has opened up before them. Since you need to replace some ingredients and nutrient sources with plant-based foods compared to traditional recipes, you can be more creative and flexible in the kitchen.
Why Not (Eat)?
If you are interested in a healthy lifestyle, you have probably considered switching to a vegan diet at least once. Those following a plant-based diet usually decide to omit meats, fish, dairy, and eggs for one of three reasons: their own health, the well-being of animals, or environmental concerns.
Positive Physiological Effects of a Plant-Based Diet
You may have heard that in Western societies, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are considered almost epidemic, partly attributed to the consumption of red meats and the saturated fats found in them. A plant-based diet can address these concerns, as plant oils and fats mostly contain unsaturated fatty acids.
Getting Started
Experts agree that a basic plant-based diet can be created by adding vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. However, it is often challenging to override long-standing habits, and in this case, the saying "slow and steady wins the race" may hold true. Take it step by step! If you are unsure how to start forming new habits, consider looking for solutions that can partly take the burden off your shoulders. Choose fiber-rich, compact meals that can keep you satisfied for up to 3 hours and are practical since they can even fit in your pocket. Moreover, you can easily put aside concerns about protein.
Find Your Motivation!
If you feel like you've been trying to change your lifestyle for too long with little success, go back to the starting point. Consider your goals with this new diet and don't be afraid to accept help—whether it's a more experienced friend, an expert, or ready-made, protein-rich, complex meals. Remember, you don't have to become a master chef right away, as every step you take for your health matters.